Table of Contents

About Me


I have a five-and-half years old daughter, Ophélie. The accent over e is a reminder that she was born in France (when I was a postdoc in IHES). She is growing up so fast, and I do not have enough time to read books to learn proper parenting.

Before I became a father (more precisely before I got addicted to math), I was an amateur mountain biker, wind surfer, kayaker and hiker. One day I will take Ophélie and do all that again.

If you live in Berkeley and have kids of similar ages, feel free to get in touch and do 'play-dates'.


Technically, I am still in school and haven't got a job yet. At least that's how my mom thought (just kidding).

I am lucky enough to work in pure math, which involves exploring, building and sharing. It is a relatively slow paced subject, since one need to really thought it through, inside out. That somehow suits my style. I am also lucky since the people I work with are smart and kind, and mostly I admire.

On the more technical note, I work on homological mirror symmetry, which is a phenomenon discovered in physics and has profound influences in math. I also work in semi-classical analysis, which dates back to the particle-wave duality in the 17th century.

Besides pure math, I am also interested in computer science. I like to keep math as my work and CS as hobby, not the other way around.