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2022-11-08, Cherednik on Hecke

1: Hecke algebra in rep theory

very funny comment about real math and imaginary math, one can see he is an concrete guy with feet on ground (i.e. real axis).

  1. What is a zonal spherical function? From wiki, it is a function on a locally compact group G with compact subgroup K (often a maximal compact subgroup) that arises as the matrix coefficient of a K-invariant vector in an irreducible representation of G. But why we study it?
  2. Why we study characters of any Lie algebra? Well, you may want to spectral decompose a huge thing, and character formula is just a way to decompose. A little mind trying to understand a huge-connected thing as many unrelated things (me?)
  3. Tensor multiplicities, now out of fashion since we are dealing with infinite dimensional gadgets now.
  4. $[M_\mu, L_\lambda]$, the Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial. (why it is not counted as 'real' math in the beginning?)

Then, we have the updates.

  1. Hypergeometric functions. hmm, why do we care such functions? just a differential equation solution, very generic type, and with many many parameters.
  2. rational and elliptic KZ equation?
  3. Verlinde algebra? Fusion not tensor? aha, I see. previously we have simple module tensor and decompose, now we have 'primary field' in a vertex algebra, fuse and decompose.
  4. Now, I am really confused and intrigued. These simple-verma coefficients are related to modular representation.

Most of the remaining discussion is too high for me now. Skip it.

2: affine KZ

It is a first order differential equation, taking value in an infinite dimensional algebra called degenerate affine hecke algebra

Here is the equation $$ \frac{\d \Phi}{\d u} = \left( k \frac{s}{e^u - 1} + x \right) \Phi(u) $$

OK, too lazy to copy down the formula. A few comments

The AKZ equation for $GL_n$. OK, we have $$ A_i = \sum_{j \neq i} \frac{\Omega_{ij}}{z_i - z_j} $$ where $z_i \in \C^*$. So affine means working with $z_i \in \C^*$? why such a big deal? One need to make them satisfy $$ \d_j A_i - \d_i A_j - [A_i, A_j] = 0 $$ Nothing but the flat connection property.

But, then, what is $\Omega_{ij}$? Is it independent of $z_i$? I guess so, they need to satisfy useful commutation relations.

So, indeed