Peng Zhou

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What is the disk with three stops?

Disk with two stops, $k$ strands T-brane, has endomorphism algebra $NH_k$, with $q$ grading for crossing $q^{-2}$. Correspondingly, we have $(\pi: BB \to BG)_* \C_{BB}$, whose endomorphism involves $\pi^!$. Recall that for sheaves (not coherent sheaves), $\pi^! = \pi^* [\dim_\R fiber]$. This explains why we have those negative cohomological degrees.

Now we add another stop, say at the top. We will have $(k,0), (k-1,1), \cdots, (0,k)$ different types of $T$-branes.

We have a few observations:

  1. $End(T_{(k_1, k_2)}) = NH_{k_1} \otimes NH_{k_2} =: NH_{k_1, k_2}. $. On the other side, we can consider $(BB \to BP_{k_1, k_2})_* \C$ whose endomorphism is also $NH_{k_1, k_2}$.
  2. This parabolic subgroup $P_{k_1, k_2}$ is the automorphism subgroup that preserves the partial flag $\C^{k_1} \In \C^k$.
  3. We have different kinds of flags there. They are different quiver representations of $ \bullet \to \bullet$. For example, consider the injection $j: \C^{k_1}\into \C^k$ as an object in the quiver rep. The moduli stack for this object is $Gr(k_1, k) / GL(k) = pt/P_{k_1, k_2}$, this is because $GL(k)$ acts on $Gr(k_1, k)$ transitively, with stabilizer of a point $P_{k_1, k_2}$.
  4. How to think about $T_{2,3} \to T_{1,4}$? We have flag $Fl_1:=( \C^3 \to \C^5)$ and $Fl_2 := (\C^4 \to \C^5)$. We do have map from $Fl_1 \to Fl_2$, just like $T_{2,3} \to T_{1,4}$ admits maps.

Our goal is to build a category living over the Higgs side space. But I don't know what is the ambient space.

One guess is that, the space is still and always is $BGL_k$, and the T-brane sheaf is still $BB \to BG$ pushing forward. But this is like after doing stop removal. How to remember?

Another way of thinking is, we don't have to use $[pt/GL_k]$, but $[(pt \to pt)/GL_k]$, and then do sheaves on it. What does it mean? A sheaf of vector spaces on a space $X$, is a functor from the open category to $dgVect$. A sheaf on a quotient stack $[X/G]$, or the category of sheaves on $[X/G]$ is the limit (equalizer in the infinite version) $$ Sh(X) \to Sh(X \times G) \to Sh(X \times G \times G) \to \cdots $$

But what is $Sh(pt \to pt)$?


So Mauricio asks, what is the 'A-side' window? I thought I know the answer, a cheap one, not in the form of a generator, but just in terms of a subcategory generated by certain classes of objects. And I am not sure if it is right.



What is that hemisphere partition function? Consider a gauged linear sigma model with superpotential, namely a reductive complex Lie group $G$ acting on $V$ preserving volume form and a superpotential $W: V \to \C$. To get $\Z$-graded MF category, we choose certain non-negative $R$-charge (could be in $\Q$) so that $W$ has weight $2$.

We consider the $G \times \R$-equivariant MF, call it $M$. In different GIT chamber, we get different contour deformation $Z(M;t)$.

  • anything supported on the unstable loci has $Z=0$
  • deep in the GIT chamber, anything converges.


When migrating the server, I forgot to backup the yiye website, lost a lot of memories, sad. I also dumped a lot of my phd notes to dumpster anyway when I move away from Chicago, it is inevitable to let go.

If I consider coherent sheaf category as the category of B-branes, then how does it depends on the complexified Kahler parameters? One can either do it in the physical way, reading Witten, Hori etc; or one can do it in the math way, thinking about deformation of the Coh category by gerbes.



reading the classic papers, Khovanov-Lauda, Rouquier, Varagnolo-Vasserot, to dig out how to setup the convolution algebra (in general)

I don't even understand why these things can be realized using Fukaya category and Floer theory, besides 'physics motivation'. What's the math motivation?

Question 1: where does convolution algebra come from? Like Hecke algebra? What is the physical setup? you can say, some correspondence and push-pull.

2024-09-11 quiver hecke algebra

After so many years, let me read up on the 'convolution algebra' presentation for quiver hecke algebra, because after all, hecke algebra originates from convolution on flag variety, and quiver hecke algebra is a generalization.



Let's summarize what can be written.

  1. HMS for K-theoretic Coulomb branches


2024-08-24 B-side for knots

Mina has the whole categorifications on A-side and B-side, whereas Cautis-Kamnitzer also had some earlier B-side construction. I need to understand the relations.


  • Goal: understand Yetter-Drinfeld module, Drinfeld double and then Andy Manion's comment paper


blog/start.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/16 17:08 by pzhou