Table of Contents
2023-01-22 $xy^2$
What happens when you try to do Fukaya-Seidel category with the function $f = xy^2$ on $\C^2$?
Well, you would say first, let's compute the regular fiber, which is $(\C^*)$, parameterized by $y$. Then, you ask, what is the monodromy. I don't think there is anything special, so let's say, the monodromy is trivial.
But, is it really trivial? hmmm, what if we set the fiberwise superpotential like $W = x+y$, we get some interesting fiberwise stop and wrapping. But I have no idea why we want these fiberwise wrapping. Anyway, on the fiber over $c$, we get $W = c/y^2 + y$.
Suppose I build a U brane on the base, and compute its endomorphism.
Let me try something else. $xy(y-a)$. How about this function? Is it better in terms of being more generic? partial $x$ gives $y(y-a)=0$, and partial y gives $x (2y-1)=0$, so we get either $(0,0)$ or $(0,a)$ as singular point, all with singular value $0$. OK, so we have two critical points over the same critical value, it seems they don't talk to each other.
Is that what happens with $f=xy^2$? Not quite, here is the trouble, the generic fiber was $\C_y \RM \{y=0, y=a\}$, And it is quite different from $a=0$. Maybe you can kill something, so that it is ok.
What's the story for $f=xy$? Say, we are on the boundary $|x|^2+|y|^2=1$, and we have something stupid, like $xy > 0$ intersecting with it. This says, we have $|x|, |y|$ free, but $\theta_x = -\theta_y$. So, the stop on the boundary is like, an open cylinder in $S^3$, which contracts to $S^1$, and which gives the stop (or the thimble as cone over the stop).
Now, we do $2 \theta_y + \theta_x = 0$. Good, suppose we now cone over this Legendrian knot, what can I say?
2023-01-12 smoothing nodal curve
Discussed with Xiaohan about how to glue and smooth a nodal curve (possibly open).
- The story of Kaehler differential. MO
- Rachel Webb's intro to quasi-maps.
- Okounkov-Pandharipanda, (I don't know what is this about)
- Melissa Liu also talked about how to deal with moduli space of curves with boundary and internal marked points.
Heard a talk by Tim Logvinenko, about generalized braid group action. There are many interesting ideas, very concrete diagramatic. Of course, Kapranov can say, it is all in his old work with Schechtmann on perverse schober on $Sym^n \C$, but I still like this work.
Here are the series of papers by Kapranov-Schechtmann,
I doubt a bit, about Kapranov's comment that extending the braid group action to GBr action, is just direct image functor. I need to really learn how this works, for Ed Segal's construction.
Vadim's talk note is useful.
2022-12-14 Wed
- Cross my t and dot my i.
- Construction from skeleton's core
2022-12-09 Friday
- Resolution using T-branes
2022-11-26 Saturday
- chatted with Lei about log stuff
- Some feedback on research statement
- Reading Sheridan's fano hypersurface paper
- The ambiguity of matching MF with Fuk
- FLTZ-Morelli already considered the shard sheaves already, and showed that shard sheaves generate. So no need for me to worry about it, but still, things to do in the relative case
- Rachel Webb's talk about GW on orbifold: Costello have already proved the closed string, symmetric quotient of product can help one ramp-up genus.
- Reading Sheridan's paper on MF and Fano hypersurface, weakly bounding cochain.
- Mina's talk at MSRI
- Comonadic Descent, again
- Real MA equation around singularity
- What is Matrix Factorization?