Peng Zhou

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  • Discussion with Davis
  • Geordie's Presentation
  • About Application


Discussion with Davis Lazowski, about how to understand the twisted D-module on $\P^1$. It seems one can easily have the correspondence for $\C^*$ equivariant D-module on $\C^2$, $$ E = x \d_y, \quad F = y \d_x \quad, H = x\d_x - y d_y $$ Then its action preserves the $\C^*$-weight. For for the weight $k$ of $O(\C^2)$-mod, this $E,F,H$ will act on it.

Davis then went on and told me about his research. One is about falsifying Macdonald conjecture (which one?)

Then, we were talking about R-matrices and stable envelopes. We had $Stab_C \circ Stab_{C'} = R$. There are different flavors of R-matrices, $R(u)$. It depends on $u$, which can live in $\C, \C^*, E=\C^*/q^\Z$. Henry Liu taught me that, quantum group is like, braided monoidal category.

I am interested in non-abelian stable envelope, developed by Andrei Okounkov. I want to understand how that allows one to do mirror symmetry.

Geordie's Talk on AI

Geordie Williamson, giving a talk on deep learning. Mentioned an article by Claire Voisin.

Application Stuff

About how to write diversity, equity and inclusion statement. See example

It is usually emphasized, as a pre-screening factor, in the blue states, eg. California.

The recommendation letter are usually 2-3 pages long, and sometimes only the first and last paragraphs (about overall assessments) are read carefully, the middle part are about research.

blog/2022-10-27.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/25 15:53 by