2022-12-09 Friday
- Resolution using T-branes
How does it work?
I thought I knew it, but I don't, even for one strands, no disks. Is it because of the chain complex vs cohomology, or some other weird sign error?
Can we do something easier and almost trivial? For example, braiding a bunch of punctures on $\R$? Do we know how it works? OK, there, it should work. Because we have puncture, and there is no dots.
Suppose we have an infinite array of puntures. I have a vertical line between puncture $-1/2$ and $1/2$, and I braid the two punctures positively. Then, I would have a line running downward. I have
$$ T_{-1} \to T_0 \gets T_{1} = (T_{-1} \oplus T_0[-1] \oplus T_{1}, \delta). $$
Then, let's consider the figure 8. What is my $\Omega$? Let's say, we use $\Omega = dz$. I don't want to put extra weird stuff around my puncture.
How to make sense of an immersed Lagrangian? That looks really.
oh well, the homology class of $L$ is not trivial in the ambiant space. So we don't