Peng Zhou

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2022-12-18 Sunday

  • What is a handle-slide? Oszvath-Szabo has a nice article here.
  • How do we see if the two Lagrangian torus are equivalent or not?

Auroux's slide

His 2011 talk slide on the big pictures.

We are building 4d TFT, which should assign a number to a closed 4-manifold. a vector space to a closed 3-manifold, and a category to a closed 2-manifold. Moreover, for a cobordism of 3-manifolds $Y_0^3 \leadsto Y_1^3$ by $W^4$, we have a homomorphism from $Z(W): Z(Y_0) \to Z(Y_1)$. For a cobordism $Y: \Sigma_1 \leadsto \Sigma_2$, we have a functor $Z(Y): Z(\Sigma_1) \to Z(\Sigma_2)$.

(hmm, what is a 4d TFT? Is the category of abelian group a monoidal category? Yes, there is tensor product defined. So, to the empty 2-manifold, we should assign the coefficient category, Ab. And to a closed 3-manifold $Y$, we should assign a functor from Ab to Ab, which I think should be the monoidal unit, $1$. In the cat of Ab, it is $\Z$. See also Kapustin's 2010 ICM talk notes

What is Heegaard-Floer theory? Do we just do the usual Floer homology of two torus in a symmetric product of surfaces? OK. That's sort of easy. But, how to think about symmetric product of Lagrangians?

What is a k-handle? It is basically some fat version of $k$-manifold in a ambient space.

Ozsvath-Szabo paper

Why there are so many versions of Heegaard-Floer theory? And why there is the funny dependence on spin-c? (what is spin-c?)

Oh, I see now.

blog/2022-12-18.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/25 15:53 by