Peng Zhou

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What is the B-side? For the simplest case, what is the $gl(1 | 1)$?

In the case where there is no puncture, and just k strand, we get the fermionic cylindrical Nil-Hecke algebra. $fcNH_k$. The nilCoxeter algebra, with 0 q-grading, but minus Maslov grading. Nontrivial differential.

There are two types of punctures. Now, suppose we have a single strand. Consider the superpotential of $z(1 + y(1+\cdots+x^n))$. This should corresponds to the space of $\C \times \C^2 / Z_n$. So here, we have a bunch of CY 2, locally, $T^*\P^1$, glued together, then times $\C$, a trivial bundle.

Consider the case: $\C^3$. What's the difference between $Tot O_{\P^1}(0, -2)$, and $Tot O_{\P^1}(-1, -1)$? They are both toric CY3.

blog/2023-06-07.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/25 15:53 by