Peng Zhou

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  • obsidian?


I saw some of my classmates using it, and I would like to give a try, say 30 min.

  • ok, need to create a 'vault' (ok, cool name, folder, box, repository...). should I do a remote one? let's see how expensive is that. Google says, it is 10 USD / month. forget it, I will just store it in icloud, right?
  • the interface looks really like vscode.
  • I created a file called hello world. ok, md. so what? what's good about it?
  • I created another note, ok, you can create link in there, link to previous notes. ok, so what? I can do that here in dokuwiki as well.
  • there is a side button, that create a note, with today's date. wonderful.
  • there is a thing called 'canvas', which basically allows you create 'diagrams of relations', big deal.
  • well, dokuwiki only differ from that, because there is no relation diagrams. But, that's not hard to create, just a directed diagram. any little database would do.
  • the naming convention, the flat structure, is just like wikipedia, so what?

ok, 20 minutes is up. I am not missing anything. goodbye. oh, let's see latex. works.

copy paste picture? works.

nah, still not good enough.

google colab?

blog/2023-07-31.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/01 06:43 by pzhou